
Jake Payne

Head Pastor


I am a husband and father to 3 beautiful daughters first. I am a bi-vocational pastor.  I also work as a heavy equipment mechanic.  I come from a long line of pastors and always told myself I wasn't going to be a preacher. God had other plans for me. I battled and argued with The Spirit and then learned that I could not run from My Heavenly Father forever. I was ordained in 2014. When I submitted to "the call" it was as if the weight was lifted off my shoulders. I finally knew that I was following the path The Lord had laid out for me.  My heart is to lead others into a loving and growing relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Everything I have and all that I am I give to God. The mercy and grace that He has given me throughout my life keeps me in constant reminder that I am His and He is mine!!!

Doug Reed

Associate Pastor

I have been married to my best friend Doris since June of 1988. We have 5 grown kids. I am a bi-vocational pastor. I am also a high school teacher, and a Justice of the Peace. My passion is teaching God's word in a way that people understand it and are inspired to follow Jesus. My favorite part of the Bible is the New Testament which is a collection of 27 ancient texts written remarkably close to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. My favorite book in the New Testament is the Gospel of John. My prayer is that you will investigate the claims of Jesus and understand who he is and that you will believe and have life in his name.